Random Saturday...
Well, today was weird. I was up early, because my son decided I was going to be (as he usually does.) So it kicked off to an early day, which was fine because Mike and I had to drop his truck off. No big deal. So I decide today is laundry day, and 7 loads later... done that. Cool. Make lunch and dinner for the boys, a healthy dose of cheap carbs, and I didn't get sucked into any dishes. Got to watch the Canucks kick the Avalanche in the junk, so I'm happy. Okay, that's all good.
Then the weirdness starts.
Mike and I finally get around to putting in Crash, which we've both have heard great things about. I get a phonecall about 45 minutes into it from Brent, my boss. It's 10:45. This is either really bad, or really good, but it's not just a "hey, how're you?" call. We've heard back from TechCrunch, a popular blog which highlights Web 2.0 applications. Cool, says I. Except they want some details on some things that I'm really the best qualified to answer. Okay, so I jump on the laptop and hammer that out. During which time Mike asks if I could maybe just knock it off, because my typing is kind of interrupting the movie. Ugh! Okay, so after a quick look, he understood that:
a) I wasn't working just to work, or because I was feeling worky.
b) No, it couldn't and wasn't going to wait for him to finish his movie.
He was mostly understanding after that point (he turned up the volume.) Okay, so we get the reply back to TechCrunch, and I get an email about 30 seconds later from Mark about a bug, a rather important one, with vSocial. So, I jump on that, and work some other issues that we had both been putting off, that were becoming more and more important to address. So now I'm sitting here at 1:15AM, totally wired, totally awake, and bored out of my skull. So I browse around vSocial, and find a new video from problem, and laughed more than I probably should have, but I figured I'd share it with everyone.
I'm going to bed!!!!!!
clark isn't a movie talker?
Dude, he HATES movie talkers apparently (yeah, found that out...)
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