We need more Geek Chicks!
Just read a great post on Beth's Blog, via the Videobloggers Group, on a lecture she went to recently. The topic: Revenge of the Female Nerds: Myth Busting.
Seriously, are we still at the point that Girls can't be nerds??? That bothers me, and not for some overly-feministic tendencies that I don't have. It's simply because.. no nerdgirls means no dating nerdgirls. That's not a good thing.
From Beth's coverage:
Myth 2:
Smart women (geeks) aren’t pretty and women should be pretty
You have to be unattractive and wear glasses to be a geek. Smart girls don’t code because they rather ice skate, date boys – how does a brainy girl become a real girl, have the same experiences as other girls. The girl takes off her glasses. If she wants to be successful and pretty (and get laid), needs to take off her glasses. That's bullshit.
Society is giving women a false choise: Either keep the glasses on and do the technical work or take the glasses off and have a full dating life.
Dude. Leave the glasses on. Infact, if they're off, put them back on. You probably look more hot that way. Seriously, we dig smart girls. We don't like dumb ones. If we have to make a choice, we'll take the smart one. Given the societal conditioning that makes women think that dumb=good for dating, but isn't this just driven by the neanderthal's that don't want to date women smarter than them. I do! I think lots of guys do! Guys who are used to being "that smart guy" usually do.
Anyways, great writeup on a relevant topic. Go check it out and comment.
And introduce me to your smart female friends. =)
Heh, if you like my shirt, you should see my pants.
In all seriousness, tho, moaudding is hot.
Hey now .. I'm kind of a geek chick .. I don't know what constitutes being a geek .. how about DnD or Magic or Wow. Cause I've been there done that got the tee-shirt for those.
I dunno, I think I'm pretty cute too, but saying I'm hotter than hott would be a little too egotistical.
You definately count as geek, Steph.
You also count as not single. =D
Glad you enjoyed the post! It was an interesting lecture and the comments have been interesting.
Hey Beth! Thanks for commenting, your post was extremely good. Yes, I'll admit, I focused on one area of it -- but there are a TON of reasons that the concept is relevant, not the least of which is... how many great ideas have been covered up by Barbies and Makeup, because of society's BS and unrealistic expectations? I want to work with peers, regardless of sex or whatever, and limiting that because of totally out of date preconceptions about gender roles just pisses me off.
If you're interested in this topic, check out the blogher.org blog as well as www.misbehaving.net
Very cool, thanks Beth, adding to my blogroll and Reader acct right now. :)
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