Monday, October 24, 2005

vSocial - Short attention, short conversations and video clips

Mark has done his first blog entry about vSocial, go check it out!

Here's a good quote:
The web is evolving from a web of text and links to a web of pictures, movies and sounds. While this may seem like a great big "DUH" to some folks, actually seeing how the model is coming together and the early applications that are emerging to address this trend, and of course, how all of this coverges with trends like the RSS-enabled blogosphere and user-generated content has me really excited about the road ahead.

...and I couldn't agree more. The fact that it's taken this long to evolve (heck, begin evolving) into what we're looking at today, has been very frustrating for this bleeding-edge mofo. We're getting close, both as a company and an industry, and for me personally, it's a very exciting time.

Go check out the entry: Short attention, short conversations and video clips


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