Friday, October 28, 2005

One last thought for the (work)day


Books: Wheel of Time - Knife of Dreams

Well, my weekend is shot...

Expect a full review from me sometime next week, or whenever I get finished. Is he ever going to finish this thing????

Today's Videos: dalailama

Today's Video Roll is a set of clips that Richard snagged from the Dalai Lama's trip to the Thunderbird School of International Business Somethingorother. Very cool, best part to me is the comments at the end (which, ironically, is the first clip in the Roll!)

Enjoy, and have a great weekend!

question8 precursor

So I have the URL, and I've made a logo:

...and I've written the questions. Now I just have to get wordpress to where I want it, and start shooting video. I'm going to be doing a trailer (this weekend hopefully) so that the concept can be visualized a bit more, but I've run the idea by some folks who's opinions matter to me, and they seem interested, so that's a great start.

Just the fact that I wrote the questions down means I'll at least do something with it.


Originally uploaded by Defcon Squared.
Another attempt at getting fatter. Clark poses by this one. These things are RENORMOUS! We got double dough on this one, which increased the under-crust from paper-thin to about normal. It was a little bit too crispy on the edges for my tastes, but the fatasses I was with didn't mind so much. No leftovers.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Crazy Canadians...

Sigh. Yes, we Canadians love our beer. McGill University, especially, apparently. Case in point:

Monday, October 24, 2005

vSocial - Short attention, short conversations and video clips

Mark has done his first blog entry about vSocial, go check it out!

Here's a good quote:
The web is evolving from a web of text and links to a web of pictures, movies and sounds. While this may seem like a great big "DUH" to some folks, actually seeing how the model is coming together and the early applications that are emerging to address this trend, and of course, how all of this coverges with trends like the RSS-enabled blogosphere and user-generated content has me really excited about the road ahead.

...and I couldn't agree more. The fact that it's taken this long to evolve (heck, begin evolving) into what we're looking at today, has been very frustrating for this bleeding-edge mofo. We're getting close, both as a company and an industry, and for me personally, it's a very exciting time.

Go check out the entry: Short attention, short conversations and video clips

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Random Saturday...

Well, today was weird. I was up early, because my son decided I was going to be (as he usually does.) So it kicked off to an early day, which was fine because Mike and I had to drop his truck off. No big deal. So I decide today is laundry day, and 7 loads later... done that. Cool. Make lunch and dinner for the boys, a healthy dose of cheap carbs, and I didn't get sucked into any dishes. Got to watch the Canucks kick the Avalanche in the junk, so I'm happy. Okay, that's all good.

Then the weirdness starts.

Mike and I finally get around to putting in Crash, which we've both have heard great things about. I get a phonecall about 45 minutes into it from Brent, my boss. It's 10:45. This is either really bad, or really good, but it's not just a "hey, how're you?" call. We've heard back from TechCrunch, a popular blog which highlights Web 2.0 applications. Cool, says I. Except they want some details on some things that I'm really the best qualified to answer. Okay, so I jump on the laptop and hammer that out. During which time Mike asks if I could maybe just knock it off, because my typing is kind of interrupting the movie. Ugh! Okay, so after a quick look, he understood that:

a) I wasn't working just to work, or because I was feeling worky.
b) No, it couldn't and wasn't going to wait for him to finish his movie.

He was mostly understanding after that point (he turned up the volume.) Okay, so we get the reply back to TechCrunch, and I get an email about 30 seconds later from Mark about a bug, a rather important one, with vSocial. So, I jump on that, and work some other issues that we had both been putting off, that were becoming more and more important to address. So now I'm sitting here at 1:15AM, totally wired, totally awake, and bored out of my skull. So I browse around vSocial, and find a new video from problem, and laughed more than I probably should have, but I figured I'd share it with everyone.

I'm going to bed!!!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Crazy Go Nuts!

New Friday Ritual - Post a videoroll for an interesting tag from vSocial

Today's: Parody

One month away!

Okay, so the Xbox360, and my personal financial demise, is only a month away! To celebrate, I give you the Quake IV trailer. All bow down to the 360!

28" pizza

28' pizza
Originally uploaded by Defcon Squared.
Largest pizza ever. We were watching Hockey and figured we should be fat. We measured it, it was infact 28" in diameter. The box was 40" diagonally.

Mmm... Pizza...

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Okay, so again, I'm going to try to do this on a regular basis. Hopefully I find the time to post some professional, personal and generally interesting things. I'm also going to post time-to-time updates of my question8 project, which I'll explain in more detail soon, probably today.

Anyone who actually knows me, knows that sometimes if I lose passion for something I find all kinds of reasons to ignore it and hope it'll go away, so I'm hoping I can cover enough different subjects that this isn't the case.

Hopefully this doesn't suck.